Quadratic Equation Formula-Method Calculator Launched
Big congratulations to the Back-end developer students of Vsasf Tech ICT Academy, Enugu on their successful deployment of a mini-software-web-application project 'Quadratic Equation Formula-Method Calculator' initiated by the Head of IT training of the academy.
Mr. Henry Amalu, an undergraduate student of Computer Science at Caritas University Enugu undergoing his Industrial Training at Vsasf Tech ICT Academy, Enugu contributed immensely on the UI designs, debugging and integration of the server-side scripting language algorithms to ensure flawless experiences when using the web app.
Mr. Prince Fumen Aminu an undergraduate student of Cybersecurity at Air Force Institute of Technology, Kaduna undergoing his IT/SIWES training at Vsasf Tech ICT Academy, Enugu also carried out vulnerability assessment on the web app, assisted in the UI designs safe back-end integration and general cybersecurity policy implementations.
The CEO of VSASF NIG. LTD, Mr. ThankGod Okenna was overwhelmed with joy as the students through series of trial and errors confidently completed the web app mini-project. This shows that the students both the IT/SIWES and Graduate Trainees would devote more time even to the complex projects that await them by the end of this year, added by the CEO, ThankGod Chibuike Okenna.
The general public are hereby notified to confidently use the web app calculator for quadratic equation problems as 100% effective and error free results are obtainable.
Date Published: 2024-06-23 16:20:04

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