Scientists use machine learning to predict smells based on brain activity in worms
It sounds like a party trick: scientists can now look at the brain activity of a tiny worm and tell you which chemical the animal smelled a few seconds before.

Evidence found of genetic evolution in Europeans over past several thousand years

A team of researchers affiliated with several institutions in China has found evidence of natural selection based evolutionary changes to people living in Europe over the past two to three thousand years.

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Mosquitoes have a mutual symbiotic relationship with malaria-causing pathogen

Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor of Biological Sciences Laurence J. Zwiebel is part of a team of researchers at Vanderbilt and the Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute

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Under pressure, Apple allows self-repairs to iPhones, Macs
Apple is letting some iPhone users fix their own phones, a sharp turnaround for a company that has long prohibited anyone but company-approved technicians from fiddling with its proprietary parts and software.

COP26: Architectural firm envisions skyscrapers that capture CO2

Architectural firm Skidmore, Owings & Merrill gave a presentation last week at COP26 suggesting that skyscrapers of the future could remove more carbon dioxide out of the air than they emit

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Virtual visas: Barbados says to open first metaverse embassy

Tiny Caribbean nation Barbados has laid claim to establishing what it says will be the first diplomatic embassy in the metaverse—a virtual reality version of the internet.

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